Friday 9 May 2014

Post Nine: What I know

As the Dutiful (Pavlovian) Daughter who would never break free (her assumption), I know more about Momster than anyone. You see, one of my main roles was to be her approving, never-judging, sounding board and little Miss Fixit.

Ask yourself, what have you been told about me over the years? What has she said about me and AB? 

Then ask yourself, what has she said about you?

I know what she really thinks about you all. I have heard the comments about you all. None of you are as good as her. All of you are so flawed as to inspire contempt.

Her world view is one of disdain. And that means disdain for everyone. Including you.

If you stop 'doing' for her, like I have, you will cease to exist, like I have. Try it as an experiment. Say NO, just once, over a small request. Or ask her to change her behaviour, behaviour that upsets you, annoys you, whatever. 

Set a boundary and see what happens...'cos N's do not like boundaries.

Just pick something and see how it goes when you say, "Would you mind not doing that, it hurts/ annoys/ inconveniences me/ does not suit my working day. Would you mind doing 'x' instead?"


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