Saturday 7 June 2014

Part 1 - History (+ monsters)

The character is revealed by the works, not by occasional good deeds and occasional misdeeds, but by the tendency of the habitual words and acts. Signs of the Times, 1884.

We find the cumulative history of a person's true character in their past deeds. Not just the occasional good or bad deed, but in their habitual actions. This cumulative pattern is a persons history: it has been witnessed (and can be verified) by others. 

Like a work resume, history tells us what a person has done, and therefore, what they will most likely do. This is why narcissits (N's) revise and rewrite history at every opportunity. They have to rewrite history otherwise nobody would hire them...

Judging others has a bad rap at the moment. It is seen as...judgmental. I want you to rethink your right to judge, and what you base your judgment on. 

1. Fair judgement is only possible when you reference facts. 2. The most reliable reference is the record that you have witnessed first hand. 

Feel free to judge me right now. I judge myself constantly, so why not?

Have you seen me display casual cruelty? 
Do I put you down and diminish you? 
Have you left my company or home feeling 'less' than when you arrived? 
Have you seen me be rude, cold or just plain nasty?
Are your kids scared of me?
Have you ever been on the receiving end of a malicious lie I have told about you or someone else?
Have you seen first hand examples of my extreme avarice and jealousy?
Can you recall a time when you saw me being callous?
Can you find an example that proves I am deceitful?
Am I an unhelpful person?
Do I bitch about all and sundry and rarely have a nice word to say?

If you can point out examples of the above, I need to apologise.

Which leads me to murder. Most N's don't commit actual murder (maybe only because they don't believe they would get away with it). Instead, they commit virtual murder. Often.

I have been virtually murdered. My 'self' is in the process of being eliminated by lies and a malicious smear campaign that has gone on for decades.

Yes, decades. I know this for sure now, the length of the campaign. Why else would NM feel it necessary to call my (now deceased) mother in consistently for the past 20+ years to warn her that I was 'unstable'.

Which leads me to monsters. The only way to truly destroy the reputation of good person is to make them into some sort of monster. The easiest way to do this is to paint them the opposite of their virtues.

I invite you to judge me, freely. I think I will stand as a decent but fallible being. But please judge based on your own point of reference, not the second hand bullshit of a self serving narcissist with a very personal agenda to rewrite history.

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